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Live Review: Dividem 'Dividem' EP

16 October 2015 | 12:05 pm | Madeline Kilby

House, baby. We. Are. DIVIDEM. The two Melbourne boys making no apologies for giving more house music to the world. Coz house baby, we all know we love it.

House, baby. We. Are. DIVIDEM. The two Melbourne boys making no apologies for giving more house music to the world, because after all, house baby, we all know we love it.

Dividem is Paddy Hassall and James McCasey, who started working on music projects together while still in high school ten years ago. They have made the move through everything from psychedelic rock to what you hear on their brand spanking new self-titled, debut EP.

James’ lounge room contains some interesting acoustic properties, so these walls became the makeshift recording studio for the bulk of the EP, with inspirational input coming from his cat Raj. The duo are down to earth guys, with creativity that will allow them to write a new chapter of the Melbourne house scene. They have already written a rather religious chapter of Melbourne’s live music history, playing the final night of The Palace Theatre last year.

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Divedem’s debut EP showcases Paddy’s insane percussion talent (years at the gym have prepared him to be able to create a percussion frenzy) jumping between cymbals, snares and fuck knows what else, it all happens so quickly. James provides the often manipulated vocals, synth and keyboard to round the music out and give it depth. The sound is full and definitely has that ‘get pumped bitches we are ready to roll’ vibe.

With love already coming in from Triple J Unearthed, a premiere from Dom Alesso, supporting Slumberjack, a second appearance at Beyond The Valley coming up, and comparisons being made to the likes of Disclosure and Booka Shade, life it getting pretty real for Dividem. Paddy has a background in film and is part of the film-making team Enamoured Iris, so nothing is ever just about music, these guys deliver the full, immaculate, audio-visual package.

The EP is out through onelove, so go, flock to iTunes and grab it now.