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Live Review: Melty ‘Nightmare Alert’

3 February 2015 | 1:37 pm | Caitlin Medcalf

Dubbed as one of our Artists To Watch in 2015 late last year, MELTY is killing it. His latest single 'Nightmare Alert' is absolutely huge.

Dubbed as one of our Artists To Watch in 2015 late last year, there’s no doubt in our mind that MELTY is one of many who are set to absolutely slay 2015.

It may be because of his incredibly original sound paired with his meticulous knack for perfecting even the smallest and most insignificant hook, but his music comes across as engineered and very well thought out.

His latest single ‘Nightmare Alert’ is a track to get down to even in the wee devil’s hours. 3am seems like the best time, and I think this aids to the feeling that it seems to be suspended in time.

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‘Nightmare Alert’ has literally everything. Hooks, bass hits, killer percussion, chopped vocal samples, fades in and out and just about anything else that can satisfy our little electronic hearts.

MELTY has definitely proved with ‘Nightmare Alert’ that he doesn’t mess around. Above all however, I can’t get over how clean this track is. It’s big when it needs to be and it’s small when it needs to be, and I think achieving that balance is probably one of the hardest feats to perfect.